Global problems cannot be solved without huge and radical change. The basic cause of the problems is over-consumption -- the grossly unsustainable demand for high material "living standards" in a world of limited resources. We cannot keep up the present levels of production and consumption and resource use for long, and there is no possibility of all the world's people ever rising to these levels. People in rich countries have these high "living standards" only because we are taking much more than our fair share of the available resources and depriving the majority.
But even though present levels of production and consumption are unsustainable this economic system must have constant and endless increase in output, i.e., economic growth. A sustainable world order is not possible unless we move to much less production and consumption, and much less affluent lifestyles within a steady-state economic system.
Our second major mistake is having a economy which grows and allows market forces al determine our fate. This economy inevitably allocates most of the world's wealth to the few, produces inappropriate development, destroys the environment, and ignores the needs of the majority. What is done must be determined by what humans and ecosystems need, not by what is most profitable in the market.
Underlying these faults is a culture based on competition, individualism, acquisitiveness, wealth and luxury. There must be a value change to much more concern with cooperation, sharing, helping, caring, collective welfare and living more simply.
Technical advance cannot solve these problems. It cannot make a big enough difference to levels of resource use and ecological impact. It cannot eliminate the need for radical change in our "living standards", values and economy.
Consumer-capitalist society cannot be fixed. Reforms to it will not solve the problems. Its basic structures and systems must be replaced.
We cannot achieve a sustainable and just society unless we change to
- Simpler lifestyles, much less production and consumption, much less concern with luxury, affluence, possessions and wealth.
- Small, highly self-sufficient local economies, largely independent of the global economy.
- More cooperative and participatory ways, enabling people in small communities to take control of their own development.
- A new economy, one that has no growth, is not driven by profit or market forces, produces much less than the present economy, and is provides sufficient for satisfactory lifestyles for all.
- Some very different values, especially frugality, self-sufficiency, giving, sharing and cooperating, and the rejection of acquisitiveness and competition.
The Simpler Way is about ensuring a very high quality of life for all without anywhere near as much production, consumption, exporting, investment, resource use, environmental damage, work etc. as there is now. There are many rich alternative sources of satisfaction other than material acquisition and consuming. Consider having to go to work for money only two days a week, having much time for arts and crafts and personal growth, living in a supportive community, living in a diverse and productive leisure-rich landscape, having socially worthwhile and enjoyable work with no fear of unemployment...and knowing you are not contributing to global problems. There is no need to sacrifice modern technology to achieve these benefits.
The fate of the planet depends on whether initiatives such as the Transition Towns movement can provide many impressive examples of sustainable, just and pleasant ways helping people in consumer society to determine to join the existing movements towards these better ways.
The main purpose of this website is to provide information which will help people in their efforts to persuade people to join the transition movement.The 48 minute video THE SIMPLER WAY; A visit to Ted Trainer's Pigface Point
These are analyses of the major global problems, and the Simpler Way alternative.
THE SIMPLER WAY: General perspective.
Summary (3 pages.)
Main account (14 pages.)
The perspective is also summarised in the 48 minute video
Short account (5 pages.)
Summary, (3 pages.)
Main account, (34 pages.)
Summary, (4 pages.)
Summary, (4 pages.)
Main account, (22 pages.)
THE ECONOMY: Major cause of the problems.
Summary. (2 pages.)
Longer summary. (7 pages.)
Main account. (18 pages.)
The New Economy. Short account. (12 pages.)
The New Economy. Main account. (34 pages.)
Capitalism: Why We Should Scrap It. (170 page book, 2022.)
Summary, (2 pages.)
Main account, (c. 27 pages.)
Short (6 page account.)SOCIAL COHESION and QUALITY OF LIFE.
Short account, (4 pages)
Long account, ( 31 pages)
The Case for Simplicity.
The way It Could Be. (A report from your neighbourhood in 2030.)
The answer is not eco-socialism --- it is classical eco-anarchism.
Summary: Summary, (1 page.)Main discussion, (28 pages.)
Ideas on practical things to do.
This is an educational site in the Sydney region introducing people to limits to growth and alternative society themes.
An account of the site.
The 48 minute video THE SIMPLER WAY; A visit to Ted Trainer's Pigface Point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9WSfGGdZRs
ARTICLES ON SUB-TOPICS. Alphabetical list.
These are analyses from a radically critical Simpler Way perspective on limits to growth, the economy, Third World, the environment, and the alternative society, etc.Several of these documents overlap, and different versions of the same account (e.g., short and long) are sometimes given for use with different audiences. Select the version that suits your purposes.
In most cases it is necessary to begin by outlining the same basic simpler way perspective leading to the account of the topic under discussion, as new readers are probably not familiar with its significance for the account.
=================================AFFLUENT SOCIETY
Our Unsustainable Affluent Society; Outline of the ways consumer society uses and wastes resources. ( 5 pages.) Affluence.htm
Agriculture: Conventional vs Alterative. A three page contrast between the two approaches. AGRICULTURE.htm
(i.e., the form a sustainable and just society must take.)
The alternative sustainable and just society; The Simpler Way. Four page summary: heAltSoc4p.html
The Alternative Sustainable Society; Main account: 31 pages. THEALTSOCLong.htm
The Way It Could Be. (A report from your neighbourhood in 2030.) THEWAYReport.htm
A two page list of benefits of The Simpler Way. TSWbenefits.2p.htmA longer explanation of benefits, TSWbenefits.11p.htm
My Delightful Day. Focuses on the Pigface Point "peasant-homesteader" situation, explaining the many things to do each day and the resource-cheap sources of enjoyment. MYDAY.htm
Housing; The Simpler Way perspective. Housing.
The egg supply example. Local small scale backyard and co-op production of eggs can be 1/100 the energy and dollar cost of the industrial/supermarket way ...a good illustration of how localism can cut resource costs. EGGS.htm
"Remaking settlements: The potential cost reductions from The Simpler Way." (52 pages.) Details possible large savings in resource, area, energy and dollar figures for a typical Sydney suburb. (RemakingSettlements.htm.)
A c. 5 page summary is at RemakingSettlementsShort.htm.
The case for simplicity. SIMPLICITY.htmThe Simper Way is an Anarchist way. An explanation of why a sustainable and just society must follow
anarchist principles not socialist principles. The answer is not eco-socialism -- it is eco- anarchism.
Impressive examples of alternative projects:
The Catalan Integral Cooperative, Spain. This is the most impressive example of the general Simpler Way approach that I have found. many cooperatives are being set up to enable people to produce and exchange via systems explicitly designed to eventually eliminate dependence on capitalism and the state. CATALAN.html
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, Missouri DancingRabbit.html
The town of Marinaleda, Spain. MARINALEDA.htm
Kurdish Rojava. ROJAVA.htmlThis is a c. 250 page draft of a "novel” describing the experiences of a person who visits a fictional settlement that has adopted Simpler Way principles. (It is in 6 half-day parts.) Some people might find this to be a more useful form in which to become acquainted with Simpler Way themes. This version should be regarded as a draft to be worked on further. Critical comments enabling improvement would be welcome.
ANARCHISM. The Simpler Way involves Anarchist principleAnarchism; An introduction. Anarchism.html
The Simpler Way is an Anarchist way. The answer is not eco-socialism -- it is eco-anarchism.
The remarkable achievements of the workers collectives during the Spanish Civil War; indicating how ordinary people can organise and run local economies without the state or bureaucracy. Spanish.html
"Why ANZAC Day is so disturbing", a commentary on the failure to think carefully about the causes of
war. ANZACDAY.htm
A two page list. TSWbenefits.htmAn 11 page discussion. TSWbenefits.11p.htm
Ted Trainer short biog; Biog.htmCAPITALISM.
Capitalism; A brief critical outline. Capitalism.pdfA similar critique. HASCAPITALISMFAILED.pdf
CAPITALISM: WHY WE SHOULD SCRAP IT. This is a 170 page book explaining the faults in capitalism, where it is taking us, and the alternative we must transition to. CAPITALISMBOOK.pdf
Global peace and conflict from the perspective of The Simper Way. A short statement of the causal link between overconsumption, global economic injustice, and inevitable and worsening global conflict. PEACE.html
A note on crime from the Simpler Way perspective. Crime.html
This is discussed within MONEY.html
The history of debt: Some notes. Debt.history.htm
DECOUPLING: The issue and evidence.
The "decoupling" claim is that technical advance can allow GDP to grow without comparable increase in materials and energy use. It is the core assumption in the "tech-fix" faith. There is a huge amount of evidence against the decoupling claim. The full critique of the Tech-fix claim is in Tech-fix below, including the evidence on decoupling. TECHFIX.htm
A short note on the decoupling claim and the three main references. DecouplingRefs.htm
A critique of the 2024 United Nations Environmental Program report claiming that technical fixes can enable growth to continue and that degrowth is not necessary. ResourcesUNEPcrit.pdf
A friendly criticism of the Degrowth movement; 2024. DEGROWTHCRIT.PDF
Degrowth: How much is needed? Few people realise how far beyond sustainable levels of resource use and environmental impact we are. This article derives the conclusion that rich world levels of consumption are at lest ten times beyond sustainability, and the situation is getting worse.
On Degrowth Strategy: This is a lengthy discussion of strategy for degrowth, a neglected topic. It has been published in Environmental Values, Dec. 2003. The first part repeats the Simpler Way context put in many of the articles on this site, but then offers original thoughts on the issue of appropriate strategy given the global situation. Various common approaches and assumptions are argued against, especially the Marxist/socialist approach to system change focusing on influencing or capturing the state and implementing centralised action. The most important things to do here and now are just to try to raise awareness about the need for radical change towards simpler, more cooperative ways. Only if this is successful can structural changes be made later. (DEGROWTHSTRAT.pdf)
A critique of the 2024 United Nations Environmental Program report claiming that technical fixes can enable growth to continue and that degrowth is not necessary. ResourcesUNEPcrit.pdf
DEVELOPMENT (...of the Third World.) The Simpler Way critical perspective.
Summary; 4 page outline. DEVELOPMENT 4pp.htmDevelopment, MAIN ACCOUNT, 20 pages. https://thesimplerway.info/THIRDWORLDDEVLong.html
A critique of the conventional development thinking, evident in the work given the 2019 Nobel Prize. NobelPrize.html
Impressive examples of "development" along Simpler Way linesThe Chikukwa Project: Local Permaculture-based alternative development in Zimbabwe. An account of an impressive alternative development initiative. CHIKUKWA.ht
The Catalan Integral Cooperatives The Simpler Way revolution is well underway! A short account of the inspiring alternative development being undertaken in Spain CATALAN.html
Marinaleda: A Spanish cooperative village development. This example contradicts conventional capitalist development. MARINALEDA.htm
The 2019 Nobel Prize for economics demonstrates the mistaken nature of conventional development economics. NobelPrize.htmlA role reading for school students, explaining basic themes in conventional development. PEDRO.htm
THIRD WORLD DEVELOPMENT; CRITICAL DOCUMENTS. Large collection of extracts. Extensive evidence for the critical position. However these have not been added to in recent years. Contents page. ThirdWorldDOCS.html
EARTH-BUILT HOUSING.Cheap, earth-built housing. Material for this section is being developed, but a relevant discussion is at Housing; The Simpler Way perspective, Housing.htm
Ecomodernism is an enthusiastic tech-fix position. For a lengthy (21pp) critical rejection of it see ECOMODERNISMcrit.htm
The reasons why technical advance is not likely to solve global problems. TECHFIXShort.htm,
For the long version see TECHFIX.htm,
A statement addressed to the Left, which is inclined to hold the tech-fix faith. ComradesBewareEcomod.htm.A critique of Leigh Phillips book Austerity Ecology and the Collapse-Porn Addicts (2015). (12 pages.) The book is a strong argument from the left against the limits to growth view and for enthusiastic pursuit of growth, affluence and consumerism, on the assumption that technical advance can solve resource and ecological problems. This critique repeats material from the above tech-fix items. TechFix PHILLIPScrit.htm
The case against growth. GROWTH.htm
Degrowth: How much is needed? Few people realise how far beyond sustainable levels of resource use and environmental impact we are. This article derives the conclusion that rich world level of consumption are at lest ten times beyond sustainability, and the situation is getting worse.ECONOMIC SYSTEM Critical accounts of different length, putting the same general critique.
Summary, 2 pages. EC.Sy.2p.htm
The Economy; A critical summary. (7 pages). Economy7p.htm
The Economic System; Why It Must Be Scraped. This is the main/long accunt,18 pages.ECONOMICSYcrit.html
See also overlapping content in.
The case against growth, GROWTH.htm
The case against the market. MARKET.htm
Religion and the emergence of the market dominated society. Religion&market.htm
On Polanyi's discussion of the market, Polanyi.htm
The "Decoupling" myth, i.e., that growth can continue because technical advance will solve our big global problems.Capitalism: A brief critical introduction. Capitalism.htm
Capitalism: Why We Should Scrap It. This is a 160 page book explaining the faults in capitalism, where it is taking us, and the alternative we need to get to.
"Economic rationalism has not failed". EcRatHsNtFaild.htm
The New Economy, ...for a Simpler Way society.Long version, 39 pages.THENEWECONOMY.htm
Shorter version, 12 pages. THENEWECONOMYShorter.htm
Education; Outline of a radically critical view. EDUCATION.Radview.htm
Education: How should we conceive it? EDUCATION.idealview.htmEducation in the alternative, sustainable and just society.
EDUCATIONinthealt.htmImplications for personal development are also discussed in The Spiritual Significance of The Simpler Way. Spiritual.htm
The short summaries listed above in the Issue Summaries section should be useful for introducing students to the Simpler Way perspective on several important global issues.
Pedro's Development is a role reading making clear the unsatisfactory nature of the conventional approach to development, useful at High School level, and probably at Primary. PedroDev.htm
This article shows how local production can be far less dollar and energy expensive. It compares the agribusiness/industrial/supermarket supply path with backyard and cooperative supply This is a very important element in the argument that only local system are capable of cutting the resource consumption rates right down to sustainable levels. The study found that egg production in backyards and local cooperatives could be around 2% of those associated with the supermarket supply path. Eggs.html
EMPIRE. (...i.e., the empire which delivers high living standards to rich countries.)Our Empire; Essential Themes. 2 page summary. OUREMPIRE.2p.htm
Our Empire; Its Nature and Manitenance. Main account. c 23 pages. OUREMPIRE.htmDocEMPIRE.htm This collection has not been added to for several years but contain much material illustrating the nature of the empire. (c 80 pages.)
See Renewable Energy, below.The situation re oil supply is disturbing, and not recognised by the mainstream. Our access to oil is likely to be seriously disrupted within a decade. OilSituation.htm
The environment problem; A summary. 4 page overview from Saving the environment: What it will take. EnvProb.html
Saving the environment: What it will take. An 8 page summary of the argument that environmental problems cannot be solved within a society focused on affluent lifestyles and economic growth. Savingtheenv.htmFEMINISM.
Some connections between The Simpler Way and "Eco-Feminism". FeminismTSW.htm
An introduction to Existentialism. ExistentialismSummary.pdf
A short statement of the connections between overconsumption, global economic injustice, and inevitable and worsening global conflict. PEACE.htm
Globalisation: A Summary. c.10 page overview. Globalisation.htmA large collection of quotes, evidence, notes, in five parts; GLOBALISATION; DOCUMENTS;
Contents page for documents. DocsGLOBALISATION.Part1.html
The case against growth. GROWTH.htm
Degrowth: How much is needed? Few people realise how far beyond sustainable levels of resource use and environmental impact we are. This article derives the conclusion that rich world level of consumption are at lest ten times beyond sustainability, and the situation is getting worse.
HICKEL, Jason.
Reference to his estimate that there is a net flow of $2.5 trillion in wealth from poor to rich countries every year, also below. HICKELwealthref.pdf
Hickel, J., Sullivan, D., and Zoomkawala, H. (2021), Rich countries drained $152tn from the global South since 1960. Al Jazeera May 6. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/6/rich-countries-drained-152tn-from-the-global-south-since-1960
Notes arguing that there is nothing in our "nature" that prevents us from developing a satisfactory society. HumanNature.htm
Notes and comments on Kropotkin's remarkable book Mutual Aid, published around 1900, putting a powerful case that most species of animals, especially humans, have a strong disposition to assist each other, cooperate and enjoy social interaction. This contradicts the common assumption that humans are highly competitive, aggressive and selfish. His account of the Medieval village and the guilds details the very different ethos and morality to that prevailing in capitalist society, generating strong social bonds and a sense of brotherhood between all. Kropotkin. html
Housing; The Simpler Way perspective. Housing.htm
IMPERIALISM Accounts of the empire which delivers high living standards to rich countries.
Our Empire: Essential Themes.(2 pages.) EmpireShrt.htm
Our Empire: Its Nature and Maintenance. (c 23 pages.) OUREMPIRE.htm
Our Empire: Collected Documents. (c 80 pages.) DocsOUREMPIRE.html
INTERESTMoney creation, banking, debt, interest and money. MONEY.htm
KROPOTKINNotes and comments on Kropotkin's remarkable book Mutual Aid, published around 1900, putting a powerful case that most species of animals, especially humans, have a strong disposition to assist each other, cooperate and enjoy social interaction. This contradicts the common assumption that humans are highly competitive, aggressive and selfish. His account of the Medieval village and the guilds details the very different ethos and morality to that prevailing in capitalist society, generating strong social bonds and a sens of brotherhood between all. Kropotkin. html
A critique of the Left from The Simpler Way perspective. LEFTCRIT.htm
A more recent critique (mid 2016) focused on the Left's tendency to ignore limits to growth issues, and to adopt the tech-fix faith, is at Leftecomod.htm.
A critique of Leigh Phillips book Austerity Ecology and the Collapse-Porn Addicts (2015). (12 pages.) The book is a strong argument from the left against the limits to growth view and for enthusiastic pursuit of growth, affluence and consumerism, on the assumption that technical advance can solve resource and ecological problems. It repeats material from the above tech-fix items. PHILLIPScrit.htmThe answer is not eco-socialism It is eco-anarchism. The answer is not eco-socialism -- it is eco-anarchism. An explanation of why a satisfactory society must follow anarchist principles not socialist principles.
For a short introduction see the first seven pages of The Simpler Way; Main account. TSWmain.htm.The Limits to Growth; The basic Simpler Way account. (c 30 pages.) LIMITS.htm
Degrowth: How much is needed? Few people realise how far beyond sustainable levels of resource use and environmental impact we are. This article derives the conclusion that rich world level of consumption are at lest ten times beyond sustainability, and the situation is getting worse.
For a critical discussion of the "technical fix" argument against the limits case, see TECHFIX.htm (The "technical-fix" view is that dramatic change from obsession with affluence and growth will not be needed because better technology can solve the problems.
Money creation, banking and local currencies including how local currencies can be used to help build alternative economies. see the second part of MONEY.htm
A similar, overlapping discussion focused on the failure of most local currencies to adopt the right form. (5 pp.) LocalCurrencies.html
Spanish cooperative village development, contradicting conventional development. A good example of radically alternative development. MARINALEDA.htm
The case against the Market.. MARKET.htmSee also Notes on Karl Polanyi's book, The Great Transformation, for a critique of the market. Polanyi.html
A brief outline of Marxist theory. ( 3 pages. ) Marx.3pp.htm
Marxist Theory...a more detailed (22 page) account. Marx.htm
"Why Marx matters." WhyMarx.htm
Money, banking, debt and local currencies. MONEY.htm
How a local currency might help Greece. GreeceNewCurrency.htm.
Modern Monetary Theory; An explanation of its nature and significance. MMT.html
A six page summary of the Subjectivist perspective on morality; i.e., contradicting the very common assumption that there are objective moral "facts" and entities (such as rights), and explaining that morality can and should be analysed solely in terms of human wishes, preferences and created rules. Morality.htm
OUR EMPIRE. (...i.e., the empire which delivers high living standards to rich countries.)
A short list of reasons for not adopting nuclear energy. NE.htm
Our Empire: Essential Themes.(2 pages.) EmpireShrt.htm
Our Empire: Its Nature and Maintenance. (c 23 pages.) OUREMPIRE.htm
Our Empire: Collected Documents. (c 80 pages; no recent additions.) DocsOUREMPIRE.html
Why Assange must be severely punished. If people who expose the dreadful things being done to secure our empire are allowed to get away with it, our access to most of the world's resources will threatened. Assange.html
A short statement of the connections between over-consumption, global economic injustice, and inevitable and worsening global conflict. PEACE.htm
GLOBAL PEACE AND CONFLICT: Collected Documents. Quotes relating to the above themes.. (These have notbeen added to for several years.) DocsPEACE.htm
"Why ANZAC Day is so disturbing." A commentary on the failure to think carefully about the causes of war. ANZACDAY.htm
A role play reading, putting the critical perspective on Third World Development, in18 scenes. Suitable for High School and Tertiary students.PEDRO.htm
Notes on Polanyi's influential book, The Great Transition, 1944. Polanyi.html
Pigface Point is a bush homestead site 20 km from central Sydney, being developed to introduce people to Simpler Way themes. An outline of the site's focus is at Pigface Point.html
Council obstruction of Pigface Point. OBSTRUCTION.htm
Pigface Point record of environmental activity. (Sent to Liverpool Council over an issue.) EnvironmentalRecord.htm
A short argument against religious thinking. ReligionQuicklySorted.htm
Notes on the significance of religion for the emergence of the market system; Religion&market.htm See also notes on Polanyi. Polanyi.htmREMAKING SETTLEMENTS: The potential cost reductions enabled by The Simpler Way.
This study details possible large savings in resource, area, energy and dollar figures for a typical Sydney suburb restructured according to Simpler Way themes.
A 13 page 5,700 word version is at Remaking SettementsShorter.htm
A list of equipment and tools assumed for the derivation is at RemakingSettlementsToolInventory.htm.
The question of whether renewables can meet 100% of Australian energy demand is far from settled. (This is not an argument against transition to renewables; they could run a Simpler Way society.)
Fo an indication of the difficulties see RESUMMARY.htm
A list of people expressing doubts about the potential... EnergyyCritiques.htm
Theory and evidence on resource availability/scarcity; see within The Limits to Growth. LIMITS.htm
SIMPLICITY.The case for simplicity. 11 pages, SIMPLICITY.htm
See the summary statement: SOCIALCOHESION.htm
"Social responsibility; The greatest problem of all?" A discussion of the failure to attend to the alarming global situation, attempting to understand the phenomenon and its causes, ending with thoughts on what might be done. SocialResponsibility.htm
A short account of the remarkable self government of large regions in Spain, by ordinary working people, during the 1930s, showing how participatory democracy can run economies. Spanish.htm
SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SIMPLER WAY.A 17 page discussion of ways in which The Simpler Way would have benefits for our morale, world view, sensitivity, personal development, etc. Spiritual.htm
A note on the meaning of the (much misunderstood) term, explaining the sense in which The Simpler Way is a subsistence economy. Subsistence.htm
A critique of the faith that technical advance will avoid the need to move to simpler lifestyles and systems.Short account TECHFIXShort.htm
Longer version; 13 pages.TECHFIX.htm
Decoupling; The claim and the evidence. The "decoupling" claim is that technical advance can allow GDP to grow without comparable increase in materials and energy use. It is the core assumption in the "tech-fix" faith. This document reports the weighty evidence against the claim. DECOUPLING.htm
A critique of Leigh Phillips book Austerity Ecology and the Collapse-Porn Addicts (2015). (12 pages.) The book is a strong argument from the left against the limits to growth view and for enthusiastic pursuit of growth, affluence and consumerism, on the assumption that technical advance can solve resource and ecological problems. It repeats material from the above tech-fix items. TechFix PHILLIPScrit.htm
Argues that living simply enables enrichment of the quality of life, as well as defusing global problems caused by over-consumption. SIMPLICITY.htm
It is commonly assumed that economic growth can be "decoupled" from resource and ecological impacts, i.e., growth can go on while technical advance reduces the impacts to acceptable levels. This document reports the weighty evidence gainst the claim. DECOUPLING.htm
This term is used to refer to the Decoupling claim; for a weighty critique see DECOUPLING.htm and/or TECHFIX.htm.THE LEFT.
A critique; LEFTCRIT.htm
The Limits to Growth: A summary (2 pages.),LIMITS.3p.htm
The Limits to Growth, the basic Simpler Way account; (about 30 pages.) LIMITS.htm
A 6 page summary of the Subjectivist perspective on morality; i.e., contradicting the very common assumption that there are objective moral "facts" and entities (such as rights), and explaining that morality can be analysed solely in terms of human wishes, preferences and created rules. Morality.htm
A six page indication. Affluence.htm
THE QUALITY OF LIFE.The quality of life is falling; see within SOCIALCOHESION.htm.
A 17 page discussion of ways in which The Simpler Way would have benefits for our morale, world view, sensitivity, personal development, etc. Spiritual.htm
See under DEVELOPMENT above.THE TRANSITION (...to a sustainable and just world.)
Full account; "How might we make the transition to the Simpler Way?" TRANSITIONLong.ht
A short account of the Simpler Way perspective on transition, 4 pages, TransitionShort.htm
For a critical discussion of the contribution of the Transition Towns Movement , see TRANSITIONERS.htm
Thoughts on how the movement might be strengthened. StrengthenTTmovement?.htmlTHE TRANSITION TOWNS MOVEMENT.
Transition Townspeople, We Need To Think About Transition.(Just Doing Stuff Is Far From Enough!)‚ This is a (friendly) critique of the Transition Town Movement; it is what is urgently needed, but is far from satisfactory and not likely to achieve much without significant change. TRANSITIONERS.htm
Thoughts on how the movement might be strengthened. StrengthenTTmovement?.html
This is a c. 250 page “novel” describing the experiences of a person who visits a fictional settlement that has adopted Simpler Way principles. (It is in 6 half-day parts. ) Some people might find this to be a more useful form in which to become acquainted with Simpler Way themes. This version should be regarded as a draft to be worked on further. Critical comments enabling improvement would be welcome. THE WAY IT COULD BE.
TRANSITION: Theory and practice.
A long discussion of transition theory, ideas, mistaken approaches, what is likely to happen and argument for the Simpler Way view. (31 pages.) TRANSITIONLong.html
A shorter discussion of transition theory. (16 pages.) TRANSITIONShorter.htmlIdeas about practical things to do. TRANSthingstodo.html
See items under PEACE AND CONFLICT above.WELL DONE GW.
A short article arguing that G. W. Bush has achieved much that people in rich countries should be grateful for...i.e., he has secured the empire they benefit from. WellDoneGW.html
YOUR DELIGHTFUL DAY.This is a report from your suburb in 2030, showing how you could spend a typical day after transition to a Simpler Way alternative society. THEWAYReport.htm